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Yo, welcome to my blog! I write tech stuff and play CTFs for fun. (still a noob)

Post title icon Rentas Qualifiers Short Write-up - Team Kena Paksa


Last week, me and my team Kena Paksa (disclaimer: no one was forced) participated in the Rentas CTF qualifiers hosted by RawSec, EliteGhost and Gemas Lestari. All of our team members were having exams on both of the day and we take turns playing, and luckily we made it into the finals! This will be a very short writeup for each challenge we solved.

Image in a image block
Ranking for qualifiers. 9th not bad for a start eh.



Simple. Bruteforce every directory and page, find which one is different.

import aiohttp
import asyncio
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.parse

base_url = ""

async def visit(session, url):
    async with session.get(url) as response:
        if response.status != 200:
            print(f"Unexpected status {response.status}: {response.reason}")
            return []
            page_content = BeautifulSoup(await response.text(), "html.parser")
            directories = [urllib.parse.urljoin(url, directory.get("href")) for directory in page_content.find_all(class_="directory-link")]

            if "No directories found." not in str(page_content) and not page_content.find_all(class_="directory-link"):
                print(f"Different page found at {url}\nPage content:\n{page_content}\n")
                raise Exception("Different page found. Ending script.")

            return directories

async def main(base_url):
    to_visit = [base_url]
    visited = set()

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        while to_visit:
            current_url = to_visit.pop()
            if current_url not in visited:
                tasks = []
                    tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(visit(session, current_url)))
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"Exception at {current_url}: {str(e)}")

                pages_content = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

                for page_content in pages_content:
                    to_visit.extend(url for url in page_content if url not in visited)

                    if base_url in to_visit:
                        print("\033[91m\033[1mVisited base URL again\033[0m")
Image in a image block
Flag : RWSC{J4CKP0T}

Local file inclusion RCE, used this tool
to get RCE.

After enumeration, found this long suspicious looking PHP file esdasxasdcessxsadx.php but you use cat on the file because the filename is too long for the GET param if we were to convert it into filter chain payload.

Image in a image block

So we used cat esdas*.php to read the php file and the flag should be in the page source.

Image in a image block
Flag : RWSC{S1MPL3_4ND_L4ZY}


resign letter
Image in a image block

Used olevba tool to inspect the dotm/word document, then you will find a link to a github repo which have a malicious malware.
Used strings on the malware binary then you’ll find a command of user creation with a base64 encoded text.

Decode that base64 and you’ll get the password

Flag : RWSC{p@ss123}


Cali Cartel
Cali Cartel intext:"RWSC{"
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Used the google dork to find the flag, and you’ll find the flag in a reddit post.

Flag:  RWSC{C4L1_C4RT3L_PWN3D}
Medellin Cartel

After numerous hints that were given, we found a suspicious lead on UNITEN IG Official and we found a suspicious account related to the challenge.

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Looking at the page source code, you will get the flag

Image in a image block
Flag: RWSC{Bl4cky_S1c4r1o}



This challenge is also solved based on a hint. We were given a video of Joe Grand in Twitter of him breaking through the Android passcode to get someone’s Bitcoin account back. Knowing this, we started searching through the pdf for /data/system and then we will see a very suspicious hash.

Used and you will get the password for the hash.

Image in a image block


Flag: RWSC{875463120}


Round and round
def decrypt(message):
    decipher = ''
    for i in map(int, message.split('_')):
        original_number = i - 3
        original_letter = chr(original_number + 96) if original_number != 0 else "{"
        decipher += original_letter

    return decipher

encrypted_message = "21_26_22_06_19_12_29_29_12_17_12_6_12_19_19_11_18_21_26_4_22_8_4_29_28"
decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message)
print(f'Decrypted message: {decrypted_message}')

#Output : rwscpizzinicipphorwaseazy

For this question, we just passed it to chatGPT and we got this script. Actually for this question we almost used up our attempts, because it turns out the chatGPT output isn’t correct. Knowing that we now have part of the flag that tells us about the encryption used, we used an online tool to decrypt Pizzini cipher, and we got the flag!



Last hope
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Just run aircrack-ng -w pwds-file.txt -b <BSSID> file.pcap

and the key is [anonymous]

Flag : RWSC{anonymous}


Hidden Discord
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First part in chat
Image in a image block
Second part in roles
Image in a image block
Third part in events
Image in a image block
Fourth part in chat category
Image in a image block
Fifth part is inside the server image

Up until the fourth part, we used BetterDiscord plugin to get the flag. On the fifth part, we just used the API endpoint and set the image size to 2048.

Flag: RWSC{r34d_d15c0rd_d3v3l0p3r_API_r3f3r3nc3}

This is the most frustating challenge of all but I would love to explain it in detail, because it’s a thing I’ve never worked with before (steganography challenge), and we solved it in time, also thanks to the hints!

After we checked the video, we figured it may be related to steganography. Initially, we tried to watch the video until the end, but we found nothing. So we tried to play around with the colour aspects of the video frame-by-frame using Capcut. Yes, Capcut. And we found these:

Image in a image block
Image in a image block


We figured that these may be parts of the actual flag, so we tried to find the rest of the flag using the same way, but we didn’t find anything new after that. We figured that we could try using Audacity to see if the rest of the flag is hidden in the sound instead. So we converted the video into .wav form, then using Audacity, we played around with spectrogram settings and found this and we got the full flag!

Image in a image block
Flag: RWSC{3XP3RT_1N_4UD10}