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Site icon image vicevirus’ Blog

Yo, welcome to my blog! I write tech stuff and play CTFs for fun. (still a noob)


Post title icon How I rebuilt my university’s timetable website and achieved my first 500+ views!

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A journey on how I built a timetable website trying to ease student timetable viewing experience in my university.

Post title icon BSides Indore CTF 2023 Writeup

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My write-up for BSides Indore CTF 2023. I just learned about prototype pollution!

Post title icon n00bzCTF 2023 Writeup

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My write-up for n00bzCTF 2023. Really neatt easy challenges on this one..

Post title icon TAMUCTF 2023 Writeup

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My write-up for TAMUCTF 2023. Breaking out of curl 👨🏼‍🦱

Post title icon HopHopJump boot2root Walkthrough

Walkthrough on ‘New-jeans’ 🐰 themed boot2root machine created by a fellow Malaysian student. (Unintended)

Post title icon I-Hack 2022 CTF Attack and Defense Writeup

We made it to the finals, first time playing Attack and Defense! Write-up on I-Hack 2022 Finals. 9th place/22 teams.

Post title icon I-Hack 2022 CTF Qualifiying Round (Jeopardy) Writeup

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Writeup on the qualifying round of I-Hack 2022. We got 7th place!