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Yo, welcome to my blog! I write tech stuff and play CTFs for fun. (still a noob)

Post title icon HopHopJump boot2root Walkthrough


While browsing through LinkedIn, I came across a boot2root challenge created by Nurul Hanan, a talented CTF player from UniKL, for her university’s internal CTF competition. What caught my attention was the challenge’s unique theme centered around the popular K-pop group “NewJeans”. As a fan of both cybersecurity challenges and the group, I was excited to try it out.

Note: I am pretty sure this is an unintended solution :P


  1. We were given an .ova file for us to deploy a machine. .ova file allows us to deploy a virtual machine instance on our computer. .ova file
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  2. Now.. let’s import it into my VMWare.. Importing..
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  3. Starting the VM and straight away we will be greeted with this login. Shows that it runs on Ubuntu. I dont know what I was thinking at the time.. but I didnt have any thought of enumerating it with tools yet.The first thing that comes to my mind is.. “Maybe I could change the root password through Ubuntu recovery mode?”
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  4. With that thought in mind, I then proceeded to boot into recovery mode through GRUB. You can access it by restarting the VM and spamming esc key. Ubuntu GRUB recovery mode
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  5. I tried entering the root shell on the recovery mode, but I wasn’t successful. It can’t be that easy right? Unsuccessful root shell access
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  6. The next thing I did was restarting the VM once again.This time, I tried to boot into passwordless root shell by adjusting GRUB parameters. This is the default boot GRUB boot parameter for Ubuntu Changed ‘ro’ line to ‘rw init=/bin/bash’
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  7. Boot into it and hopefully it works. And it does! We just got into the passwordless root shell. Successful root shell access
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  8. First thing I did was changing the root password to my own custom password. Successful password change
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  9. Then I restarted the VM once again, and tried logging in as root. And.. I was able to get access into the rootuser. Successful login
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  10. Now, let’s check the history and append it to a file named view.txt and see if there’s anything interesting here.. Commands history
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  11. Further inspection in the history, I found two interesting base64 and base32 encoded text.Maybe it’s the flag we are looking for?
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  12. Let’s try spinning both of them up in Cyberchef. Tail part of the flag Head part of the flag
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  13. And now we have found the first flag! MIIT{g07No_t1M32_lo53&#ditt0}
  14. But, it’s not over yet… There’s actually one more flag hidden inside this machine.
  15. Further inspection in history, I speculated that this machine maybe is running a web server and hosting a folder in /var/www/html/. Maybe someone could upload a reverse shell from there?
  16. Let’s check /etc/passwd to see if there’s any other users that might be useful. /etc/passwd
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  17. therabbit user seems interesting… maybe there is a flag inside? Let’s log into it. Folder with song lyrics n stuff..
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  18. Took me a while to notice the flag but finally I found the flag in therabbit.txt in theRabbit folder. Second flag found.
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  19. Second flag MIIT{wH0_i5_H3#}
Final Thoughts

Overall this was a fun and interesting boot2root challenge. Even though what I was doing wasn’t the intended solution, I still learned few things here and there.

Thanks for reading my writeup!